I always try to keep everything light and fun for the bride and groom, as well as the bridal party. You will be able to get some great shots by making sure that they have fun at the same time as you are setting up the shots and taking the photos. The best shots are often the more relaxed, informal ones. You can make quite a lot of money on these shots, as everyone in the shot will want a copy, as well as parents and grandparents.
Have your friends have told you how good your photography is? Are the prints you create appreciated by friends and family? Have they have suggested that you start your own wedding photography studio? If so, you may be asking what is your next step? Well, with a little help, you can get started in your very own business.
You may have been taking photos of friends and family for a number of years now, and everyone makes the comment that you should start your own business. Sounds great, but where do you start. Well, there is a great eCourse with everything you need to get started. This article, covers just a couple of things that you will need to be aware of. The course concentrates on wedding photography, however, the techniques apply to any type of photography. It’s just that with wedding photography, you have a much better chance of making a good part or full time income, without having to go through years of study and research. Many great photographers began their careers by shooting weddings for friends and family, on a part time basis.
It is possible that you can make a lot of money shooting weddings. Many of the top professional photographers began their careers shooting weddings either for themselves or for a studio. Doing it for yourself of course, means that you get to keep all the money. But, please note that as the photographer, you will often be required to act as the wedding coordinator as well, as these days, most brides cannot afford one. And if there is no wedding coordinator, then it is usually the wedding photographer who will make sure everyone is where they should be most of the time. So, a downloadable training course will help in this aspect also, as it covers the entire event in detail. As the wedding photographer, you need to make sure that the bride and groom follow your directions. Make them aware that it is in their interest to follow your directions because they want a whole lot of great looking photos for their album.
As you prepare for an event, you need to make sure that all your equipment is ready, and that you have everything you need for the days event. If possible, be sure to have a series of back-ups, a spare camera body, a spare lens and a spare flash in case any of your prime units fails. There is no excuse for the photographer to have to come up to the bride, and try to explain that your camera just broke, and you cannot take any more photos. Again, a death sentence. Your back-up units do not need to be identical to your prime units, but they should be at least close to the same specs. The camera needs to be able to take images at the same resolution as your prime camera, otherwise there will be a noticeable difference in quality of the final prints. The flash unit can be a smaller unit with a slightly lower light output, but if it happens, then this unit will have to do quite a bit of work, so be careful. Make sure that the spare flash is fully charged before taking photos. I have seen a number of photographers get excited about taking some pictures at an event, and they will often just fire away, taking picture after picture, not realizing that the flash is not fully charged for each picture, and so, most of the resulting images will have serious problems, that may not be able to be recovered on the computer. So, make sure that you have good back-up equipment.
Are you are ready to take the next step? Would you like to start your own photography business? Then you will find that the wedding photography course is designed to get you off to a great start. Everything is in this course, including all the forms you will need. They are provided as a computer file that you can change and edit so you can create your very own designs, with your own information. This alone will help you and your business look very professional and save you a lot of time and money, so you can get bookings and start making some money with your very own wedding photography business.